Slowpoke Travel Podcast – Figuring Out Winter Travel Plans
CG and I need to figure out where we’ll travel and live this fall and winter. We are currently house sitting, but our housesitting assignment will end in 4 to 6 weeks (if not sooner!). Traveling slow often provides the best advantage for finding longer-term travel deals. However, to take advantage of those deals, often you have to plan ahead. And in the current climate of travel uncertainty, making longer term winter travel plans is a bit risky. This travel podcast episode is basically CG and I talking aloud about our potential options for the coming six months.
If you have any house sitting questions, just leave comments on our YouTube video.
Where Can We Travel This Winter Podcast – Audio Only
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Where Can We Travel This Winter Podcast – Video
Some of our Favorite Travel Resources
Here’s a link to the YouTube video where Buck takes you through some of his favorite travel planning resources: Buck and some of his favorite travel planning research.
And for even easier access, here are the resources discussed in the vid: (lodging) (lodging) (are you interested in destination employment?)
Once we’ve selected our destination and dates, we often spend extra time gathering information to make our first few travel days a little smoother. We do this especially if we’re going somewhere that we don’t speak the language fluently. Here’s a link to what we did during our first 36 hours in Santiago, Chile.
Lastly, here are some tips for reducing the costs of travel vaccinations.
Thanks for Listening to The Slowpoke Travel Podcast
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to listen and interact with our travel podcast. If you enjoy our videos, blogs, and podcasts you can help us out by leaving a review and sharing the podcast. You can even kick CG and me the cost of a cup of coffee every month at Or, you can provide a 1-time treat via our Paypal Tip Jar. Thanks!
We hope you found it useful, and we wish you health, happiness and great luck in your future travels!