Is House Sitting for Real? You Bet!

house sitting for real

Is house sitting for real? I know it sounds too good to be true, but it’s awesome, and it’s definitely a real thing. How did you get into house sitting? We lived in Seattle for 6 years, but couldn’t ignore the bite of the wanderlust bug. Buck loved the idea of house sitting and saving … Read more

Successful House Sit Secrets

successful house sit

So you’ve selected a house sitting website and created a great profile. Now what? Here are considerations to keep in mind to help make a house sit successful at every stage of the process.

Is House Sitting Right for You?

House sitting is great, but is house sitting the right fit for you? House sitting is all about taking care of someone’s home while they are away, and likely their pets as well. In fact, house sitting is almost always pet sitting. You meet fantastic people and wonderful pets. And you get a glimpse into … Read more